Weaving New Webs of Art, Science and Innovation: Inaugural Essinova Salon Explores Neural Insights in Multiple Dimensions
Essinova's inaugural salon and popup gallery on Sept 29 was a great success! A capacity crowd of over 100 guests from widely varied backgrounds gathered at SAP's AppHaus in Palo Alto, to see the groundbreaking work of neuroscientist/artist Greg Dunn, and to hear talks by Dunn and by Janaki Mythily Kumar, SAP's VP and Head of Design & Co-Innovation Center.
We were honored to share with new audiences the extraordinary work of Greg Dunn, PhD, Philadelphia-based neuroscientist and leading art+science pioneer, who explores novel and visually stunning methods to depict and explain brain structure and functioning. The salon featured a variety of original works and prints by Dunn, including his latest and perhaps most ambitious work to date, “Self Reflected,” which the artist describes as the most detailed and complex artistic depiction of the brain ever been created ."Self Reflected" was funded by National Science Foundation and is on permanent display at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.

The event program was led of with an introduction by BeiBei Song, Founder of Essinova interdisciplinary creativity agency, in which she described a recent serendipitous encounter in Finland with “lights hunters” who travel to view and record Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) displays. Describing a scientist, adventurer, executive coach, artist and photographer she befriended there, Song suggested how science, art, design and innovation are driven by related mixtures of passion, curiosity, delight, and a determination to question, understand and explain. Understanding these diverse and mingled drives and roles can open us to richer discoveries across all fields, personally and as a society; and give us the more holistic understandings needed for both business and society to evolve sustainably and creatively, she suggested.
Essinova首届“创意沙龙暨快闪画廊”在SAP Labs举行:
9月29日晚,由Essinova创灵升畅创意经纪公司主办、SAP Labs 承办的一场跨界活动 “艺术、科技与创新:神经连接 (Art, Science and Innovation:a Neural Connection)” 在位于帕罗奥图市的SAP AppHaus举行,为硅谷的人们带来了一个趣味无穷的艺术与创意的夜晚,邀请工程师、科学家、艺术家、设计师、和创业家齐聚一堂。
活动中最大亮点来自神经学家、艺术家格雷格·邓恩(Greg Dunn)博士在现场展示的他最新的微蚀创作。Essinova创始人宋贝贝、邓恩博士以及SAP Labs副总裁贾纳基·库马尔分别在活动中做了精彩的演讲。湾区本土的科技初创公司Spire为当晚的抽奖活动赞助了可穿戴的冥想装置作为奖品。此外,当晚的来宾还参与了SAP Labs精心策划的互动游戏。
邓恩是Essinova旗下的一位签约艺术家。他以神经科学的博士学位毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学,现居费城,全职进行艺术创作。在读研究生的时候, 邓恩就从自己的艺术实验里发现了神经形态与亚洲极简美学(尤其是水墨画与金箔画的表现形式)的惊人相似性。邓恩和另一位同为科学博士的布莱恩·爱德华合作, 发明出了一种叫作“反射微蚀法 (Reflective Microetching)”的革命性技术, 并运用该技术在金箔表面进行动态图像的创作。当晚,邓恩带来的作品都是基于这一项曾经获得过美国国家科学基金会奖金的技术。

全场最受瞩目的是一副名为《圣光调息》(Pranayama)的作品。当观众走过作品前,它表面上来自不同角度的动态反光细致地描绘出了一个冥想者在练习呼吸时的微妙的能量变化。观众由左向右走看到的是吸气过程, 而从右向左则看到呼气过程。展览里另外两件获众人青睐的作品—《运动皮层, 图版三 (Motor Cortex, plate #3)》和《丘脑,图版13(Thalamus, plate #13)》—均来自《反思》(Self Reflected)系列。《反思》的最初版本制作于2014年,是世界上至今描绘大脑的最为精密复杂的艺术作品,现已被富兰克林学院永久收藏。这系列作品在捕捉神秘的宏观人脑与微观神经元之间的动态关系的同时, 也像一面镜子映照我们的感知, 提醒着我们: 在我们所知的宇宙中最奇妙的机制其实就在我们体内。


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